Now, I'm going to show you the topics I plan on doing weekly:
Travels Column
News From The World
Bright People Room
Hip To Be Square
Going Wild With Music
Event Of The Week
The "Turinist"
On Monday we are always sad. We have to go working/studying and the weekend seems so far away, so why don't think about travels or foreign countries where we would like to go by reading trips or tours taken in different places or odd news coming from the rest of the world?
On Wednesday we are in the linchpin of the week. We have stuff to do, business to arrange, events to join and people to see. We are charging up for the weekend and that's why we are more friendly and snoopy.
On this special day I prepared for you three sections: the first one (Bright People Room) is about people I already know or I might encounter who are smart and brilliant; the second one (Hip To Be Square) talks about trends or society, something that used to be uncool and now it's awesome or it's going to be very popular soon; the last one is about music (Going Wild With Music), this is a very important section to me because I can share with you a song I listened lately, a concert I joined or something related to the music universe.
On the weekend we spend day and night being wild and thoughtless. We usually don't have specific plans and we just want to have fun! That's why I thought about all of you revelers and I dedicated this day to you!
For what concerns the topic "Event of the week" I may talk about: a specific event happened during the week, a club/wine-cocktail bar/restaurant that impressed me for some reason, a personal occurrence.
The "Turinist" is a new word that I coined blending together two words: TURIN + TOURIST. My purpose is to describe something about Torino (as museums, streets, places, fairs, exhibitions, etc.) to give the chance to the people who don't know it to discover how much Torino is beautiful.