Monday, March 12, 2012

FSRR Thursday Night

Hello everybody! 
The weekend is gone, the parties are over, during Sunday you recovered from your weekend efforts but you are probably not ready for the week to begin. 
There's no need to despair, in these couple of days you can already schedule your weekend plans and smile about it!
Thursday was the International Women's Day
Almost every year I forget about it and a boy remembers me (usually in the morning) that there's need to celebrate. Here, I can open a debate: some girls (or women) want to party and to make some noise, some others don't like at all this day and few others just take it as it is: a celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women. 
On March 8th I often think how much women did in the past to guarantee my freedom and my independence now and how many girls and women are still living in painful and cruel situation due to their gender.
Pure curiosity:
1.The first National Women's Day was observed on 28 February 1909 in the USA
2.It isn't only the celebration of women's rights it is also of world peace
3.In the 2011 it was the 100th anniversary and Australia issued a commemorative coin
4.In the whole world it is customary for men to give flowers and small gifts

Let's talk about the event of the week now. It was already a couple of weeks that my friends and I we were talking about going to the APERICENA at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, a project of 10XPrinceLAB, and we decided that March 8 was the perfect day!
For those of you who are not Italian Apericena may seem a funny word. It only is something more that an aperitif and a bit less than a dinner. You grab food by yourself from the main tables and you eat while standing or sitting around not set tables. It doesn't happen in restaurants but cocktail bars or unusual places. Like this time.
FSRR is a foundation born thanks to Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in 1995. Her goal was, and still is, to enlarge the knowledge of international trends in Contemporary Art. Here it comes the idea of 10XPrinceLAB. They want to approach young people to art in a smart way, in an unusual way: dress up, drink and eat, laugh with your friends and visit the exhibit!
There was a lot of food, in quantity as much as variety, and the drinks were perfect. I really enjoyed the pizza that was yummy. The people were all well dressed and the age group was very wide (I'd say from university students to forty/fifty-year-old people); this is a good sign because if art touches more people the goal may be easily reached.
The location is awesome (I'm biased I love art and museums) and also the exhibit is interesting but I didn't like several things: there wasn't enough space to sit down for everybody (few uncomfortable big pillows on the ground), the hall and the main table were very crowded, the music was great but it was definitely too loud. On the other hand, the external side of the building is majestic and the photographers are very talented. I published here a picture of mine made by Marcello Cassano

In few weeks, when it will get warmer, this apericena will be the perfect place to stay with friends while listening some good music and taking a look to some good pieces of art.

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